welcome                                                                                     Mail Me !!! at dream_boy321@hotmail.com

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Friendship Forever

hot Items


A lways Thr Fr U

B righten The Days

C aring & Considerate

D elightful 2 Know

E ncouraging Hearts

F orevr Friends

G enerosity

H onest & Trustworthy

I ntegrity

J oking Around

K ind Hearted

L ove & Laughter

M iles Makes No Difference

N evr Ending Support

O pen Talks P recious 2 U Q uite Times Too R OFLMAO With U
S harin Pieces of Souls T hanks U of Being U U nderstandin Ways V aluable Friendship

W onderful Person

X 's Branches Of Lv
Y our So Special Z est For Life

    impo1.bmp (209410 bytes)    Sharing of good & bad....

Pray     friendship rose (Pink)

Life saving friends....    Dont jump 2 conclusions in a rush....lolI wana C my friends    Sit I can understand..



Some1 who makes U laugh, Untill U cant stop

Some1 who makes U believe, thr is really good in world

Some1 who convinces U, thr is really an unlocked door

just waitin for U 2 open it

When U R down & the world seems dark & empty

U R forevr friend lifts U in sprit & makes the world suddenly seems bright & full

My friend, my buddy,
through happy and sad,
beside me you stand,
beside me you walk,
you're there to listen,
you're there to talk,
with happiness, with smiles,
with pain and tears,
I know you'll be there,

Throughout the years!
You are all good friends to me and I am grateful to you

Hi Evrybdy

Some Vry Friendly & Cool Links

http://www.justsaywow.com/callyoufriend.htm (may I call U)

http://www.justsaywow.com/worry.htm (B happy Dont Worry)

http://www.justsaywow.com/riveroflove.htm (River of Lv)

http://www.justsaywow.com/ever.htm (Friends Forever)

http://www.justsaywow.com/gem.htm (A Gem)

http://www.justsaywow.com/medalp.htm (Madel of Fr.Ship)

http://www.justsaywow.com/world.htm (U been this 2 me)




http://www.justsaywow.com/smile.htm (Legend of smiley Land)

http://www.justsaywow.com/compliment.htm (Compliment)

http://www.justsaywow.com/girlwants.htm (waitin for)

http://www.justsaywow.com/cat.htm (how 2 wash a cat)

http://www.justsaywow.com/exercise.htm (B Smart)

http://www.justsaywow.com/keys.htm (Key 2 heart)

http://www.justsaywow.com/card/step1.htm (magic cards)



http://www.justsaywow.com/perfectman.htm (waitin)

E-mail...Vry Best Friendship Sruff

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